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The Physical Landscape – Business As Usual?

A year ago today we were in the midst of our first National Lockdown. Uncertainty was growing and the knock-on effect for many businesses was becoming ever so real day by day.

As we shake off the last few months Teams calls are being replaced with site visits and we are being asked… Is it business as usual?

Whilst our clients' backgrounds are varied from corporate to private, and all have their own take on the last year, the overriding sentiment is clear… Are we not all ready to live a little?

Craving interaction, there is an overwhelming desire to embrace life to its full. Across architecture and automotive the industries are stepping up a gear. Clients are approaching us; venue design, residential enhancements, it’s all on the go.

So whilst there is no certainty of what the future will bring, let’s run with this optimistic motion. Business is back, not as usual, but on a new level!


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